Log 26

Justin Vandenbroucke


Stanford University


This file contains log entries summarizing the results of various small subprojects of SAUND.  Each entry begins with a date, a title, and the names of any relevant programs (Labview .vi files or Matlab .m files – if an extension is not given, they are assumed to be .m files).


Note: Higher-resolution versions of the figures are available.  If a log has URL dirname/logLL.html, Figure FF of the log should be at URL dirname/FF.jpg.



Trying to get pretty, smooth log-log contours



            Figure 1 shows log-log contours (from lattice (rects) 129-134).  Figure 2 shows an example of a pressure pulse for one lattice point, and Figure 3 shows a close-up.  I believe the roughness in the upper quadrant of Figure 1 is due to the noise in Figures 2 and 3, which is likely due to precision limitations in somewhere in the simulation.


Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3



Log-log contours, continued



            I created a new lattice (rects 135-140, same coordinates as 129-134), with z discretization of 0.5 m rather than 1 m.  This   has had no noticeable effect.  Smoothing the pressure pulse, however, does.  Figure 4 gives the contours from unsmoothed pressure pulses; Figure 5 gives the contours from pressure pulses smoothed by a running average over 10 samples.  The location of the contours is shifted slightly and smoothed (10^16 GeV, marked “16”, is changed most).



Figure 4


Figure 5